
How To Respond To No One Asked

I decided to compile a listing of comebacks for "who asked," "did I ask," and "nobody asked or cares" because it's getting ridiculous out in that location.

Some annoying people ask, "Who asked?" after you tell a story.

There'due south nothing worse than someone asking you a question and then responding with, "who asked you?"

It can be frustrating, and it'due south often a hard improvement to come up with.

That's why I've put together this list of 32+ witty comebacks for "who asked" and "did I ask." I promise they aid you the side by side time someone asks y'all this question!

Here are some of the all-time comebacks to shut them upward:

How to counter who asked

"Who asked?" is the historic period-onetime retort of the unhelpful and uninterested. It's a way of shutting down a conversation, of refusing to appoint with new ideas.

But there are ways to counter information technology. With a little inventiveness and quick thinking, yous can defuse the "who asked" bomb and proceed the conversation going.

Here'southward how to counter who asked:

  1. Be prepared: Anticipate that you lot might run into a "who asked" attack, and take a ready response prepared. For case, you lot might say, "I'm glad y'all asked! I was just virtually to explain."
  2. Keep your cool: Don't permit the "who asked" question throw y'all off course. Maintain your composure and stay focused on your goal.
  3. Be witty: If you tin come up with a clever response to the "who asked" question, you'll lengthened the state of affairs and perhaps even win over your critic. For case, you might say, "Actually, I think we all did."
  4. Get specific: When someone asks "who asked," they're usually looking for a specific answer. So give them ane! Tell them who asked you about the topic or where you read well-nigh it.
  5. Change the subject: If all else fails, yous can always try changing the field of study entirely. Chances are, your critic will be just equally happy to move on to something else.

By following these tips, y'all'll be able to handle the "who asked" question like a pro and keep the conversation going despite it.

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Adept Comebacks for Who Asked or Did I Ask?


If someone e'er asks you "who asked you," have 1 of these good comebacks for "who asked" prepare to coil.

They're clean, effective, and will leave the person request the question wondering what simply striking them.

What should you say when someone says, "Who asked?"

  • Why are you listening if y'all don't know who asked?
  • Did I ask if anyone asked?
  • Shhhh, the adults are talking, so please keep quiet.
  • Not you lot, and then shut the f*ck upwards.
  • Yous don't have to.
  • Your parents didn't ask for you, only hither we are.
  • If y'all don't like what I take to say, yous are gratis to walk away or share your ain story.
  • Who cares if yous asked or not?

The best response to who asked is to stay at-home and do your best not to overreact. Then, use one of the above witty comebacks to close them downward!

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Good Comebacks for Did I Ask?

If you've ever been in situations where you say something, and someone says, "did I enquire" and you lot don't know how to respond, these did i ask comebacks will serve y'all well.

There are few things more frustrating than feeling similar you're existence ignored.

Whether y'all're in the eye of a heated argument or simply trying to have a chat, it can be incredibly frustrating when the other person responds with a flippant "did I ask?".

While there's no guaranteed style to come upwards with the perfect comeback at the moment, in that location are a few witty responses that volition put the other person in their identify.

Here are some witty comebacks to "Did I enquire?":

  • No, only I wanted to save y'all the trouble of thinking for yourself.
  • Do I care?
  • Sometimes it'south good to learn new things.
  • You lot should take.
  • Did your parents inquire for you? I don't think so.
  • No, but I don't care.
  • No, only I'm telling.

The best response to did I ask is to remain at-home and endeavor not to overreact. Then, use ane of the witty comebacks listed above to silence them!

In any case, a witty comeback will put the other person in their place and permit them know that you're not going to take their crap.

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Comebacks for Nobody Asked


Whether you lot're looking to close down someone in an argument or desire some witty responses up your sleeve, these comebacks will do the play a joke on.

So the adjacent fourth dimension someone tells y'all, "nobody asked," just let them take it with one of these witty comebacks.

  • Just because yous didn't ask doesn't mean you lot didn't demand to be told.
  • I'm sorry, were you talking to me?
  • Well, nobody loves you.
  • Mayhap you should.
  • Nobody asked you, either, just it seems that we all have to listen.
  • Well, someone should have.
  • Nobody asked you.
  • Oh, I wasn't talking to you.
  • And?
  • No, yous did non, simply everyone makes mistakes.

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Comebacks for Who Cares and Nobody Cares

Every in one case in a while, nosotros come up across somebody who just doesn't seem to care virtually annihilation – no affair what we say.

In cases like this, we demand some clever comebacks to put them in their place.

And then whether you're dealing with a hater or just somebody who's generally uninterested, here are xiv+ clean comebacks for "who cares" and "nobody cares."

  1. You cared enough to reply.
  2. Your mom sure seemed to care last nighttime. *wink*
  3. Well, I practice, and that'due south what matters.
  4. No one is talking to y'all.
  5. Who asked you?
  6. Nearly you.
  7. Nobody f*cking has to.
  8. I don't intendance that no 1 cares.
  9. Is everyone else here a jerk? No? So you're the merely one?
  10. Ok. (and and so continuing ordinarily does the trick)
  11. I just felt the need to share.
  12. You cared enough to dismiss it; that counts.
  13. There is the attention you were looking for. (stare them for a few seconds and proceed with your story)
  14. I didn't inquire for your opinion either, so why answer?

Read next: 25+ Baddie Comebacks That'll Slay Any Situation

Should You Be Rude to Comments Similar These?

How yous answer when someone says something you don't like is entirely upwards to you.

Your responsibility is to assess the situation and determine the best course of activeness. Unless you're just fed up with these types of comments and want to be rude.

I'd never suggest you to be rude, merely I sympathise why some people are frustrated. After all, information technology'southward tempting to put people in their place when they're being needlessly rude, especially if you think they're wrong.

While it may be tempting to give a rude annotate a slice of your mind, doing so is unlikely to change the situation for the ameliorate.

In fact, it could make things worse by escalating the situation and giving the troll more attention.

It'south important to retrieve that non everyone wants to engage in constructive dialogue, and sometimes the best course of activeness is to ignore the comment and move on.

Read next: 32+ Sassy Comebacks Guaranteed to Silence Your Haters

Concluding Thoughts

As yous can see, there are plenty of comebacks for "who asked," "nobody cares," etc. You lot don't have to be rude or disrespectful when someone asks this question.

Past using one of the comebacks from our list, you lot can shut down the person who asked without causing a scene.

Side by side fourth dimension someone asks you, "who asked," or "did I ask" use one of these clever comebacks and put them in their place.


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